Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Charter for Global Democracy outlined its goals in 12 detailed “principles:”

· Principle One called for the consolidation of all international agencies under the direct authority of the UN.

· Principle Two called for UN regulation of all transnational corporations and financial institutions, requiring an “international code of conduct” concerning the environment and labor standards.

· Principle Three explored various schemes to create independent revenue sources for the UN – meaning UN taxes including fees on all international monetary transactions, taxes on aircraft flights in the skies, and on shipping fuels, and licensing of what the UN called the “global commons,” meaning use of air, water and natural resources. The Law of the Sea Treaty fits this category.

· Principle Four would restructure the UN by eliminating the veto power and permanent member status on the Security Council. Such a move would almost completely eliminate U.S. influence and power in the world body. In turn Principle Four called for the creation of an “Assembly of the People” which would be populated by hand-picked non-governmental organizations (NGOs) which are nothing more than political groups with their own agendas (the UN calls NGOs “civil society”). Now, the UN says these NGO’s will be the representatives of the “people” and the Assembly of the People will become the new power of the UN.

· Principle Five would authorize a standing UN army.

· Principle six would require UN registration of all arms and the reduction of all national armies “as part of a multinational global security system” under the authority of the UN.

· Principle Seven would require individual and national compliance with all UN “Human rights” treaties and declarations.

· Principle Eight would activate the UN Criminal Court and make it compulsory for all nations — now achieved.

· Principle Nine called for a new institution to establish economic and environmental security by ensuring “Sustainable Development.”

· Principle Ten would establish an International Environmental Cort

· Principle Eleven demanded an international declaration stating that climate change is an essential global security interest that requires the creation of a “high level action team” to allocate carbon emissions based on equal per-capita rights – The Kyoto Global Warming Treaty in action.

· Principle Twelve demanded the cancellation of all debt owed by the poorest nations, global poverty reductions and for the “equitable sharing” of global resources, as allocated by the UN – here is where Obama’s Global Poverty Act comes in.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

re: anyonmous